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Personal Reviews
“In my view mindfulness approach of thinking is best gained by being guided as opposed to being taught. Dr Pamm Cappetta does just that, she gently guides you through the very logical thought process which includes the seven pillars of mindfulness: non-judging, patience, beginner’s mind, trust, non-striving, acceptance, and letting go.”
“Mindfulness Training – an approach to life in our busy, hectic world. It’s pillars give on the ability to live life to the fullness and in the moment.”
“I too felt it was a fantastic group and will miss our shared experience. I found that participating in the mindfulness training was fulfilling at a personal and cerebral level, while also being applicable and useful in day to day living. Thank you for the wonderful class.”
“After suffering from anxiety for decades, Dr. Pamm’s Mindfulness coaching has changed my response to life. I am so excited and grateful to discover that the Mindfulness practice is helping me to live each day with more peace, awareness and clarity. I feel like I’ve been given a lifeboat.”
“Mindfulness has the potential to change your life for the better, and Dr. Pamm Cappetta is a wonderfully caring and engaged teacher of the practice.”
Professional Praise
Gina de Peralta Thorne, MS Vice President of Marketing
Lakeview Health, LLC
Lakeview Health is a nationally recognized addiction treatment facility in
Jacksonville, Florida. We work to address dual diagnosis and addiction
disorders for individuals 18 and over. Lakeview Health has been conducting a rebranding campaign for over a year and was fortunate to introduce Dr. Pam Cappetta to the South Carolina addiction treatment market as a sponsor for Lakeview Health. Her presentation on Mindfulness and Chronic Pain was incredibly well received. It
allowed Lakeview to showcase its commitment to working with subject matter experts in the field of addiction treatment. We intend to collaborate with Dr. Cappetta on future networking and conferences to showcase the need for best practices in addressing chronic pain without the need for narcotics and other
substances that could compromise one’s recovery.
Fred Marks
Who’s Who Magazine
Dear Pamela Cappetta,
Congratulations on being selected for the 2015 Edition of Who’s Who in America! Your inclusion in this exclusive directory distinguishes you as one of the foremost achievers in your field.
The 2015 Edition will feature over 90,000 of the nation’s highest achievers in every significant field of endeavor — from business and politics, to healthcare and science, to the arts and entertainment. This invaluable directory, which will include your complete biography, will be one that you and future generations refer to again and again …
Once again, congratulations on your inclusion in this special edition of Who’s Who in America, and best of luck for your continued success.
Dawn Pereira BSN, RNC-OB Clinical Educator - Labor and Delivery
Dr. Pamm recently spoke to a group of Women’s Health nurses at our Perinatal Symposium and we were all so impressed with her overall calming nature and her ability to relate to the struggles we face as health care providers.
Her messages have continued to resonate in our daily practice as we remind each other to ‘breath’ and to ‘be in the moment’.
Participant evaluations all rated Dr. Pamm’s presentation 5 out of 5 stars and many took the time to provide positive commentary on the topic. We would welcome her back as a professional speaker anytime! Highly recommend!