Get In Touch
Let’s work together! Dr. Pamm is available for speaking engagement, book signings, professional development, and more. Complete the contact form and someone will be in touch soon.
Speaking Engagements
Dr. Pamm is a popular Mindfulness Practice instructor from either a didactic or experiential perspective. She can talk to your group about the methods and benefits of Mindfulness Practice, or demonstrate the methods for your group to experience the benefits firsthand. She can develop a program specific to your group’s needs, level of interest and budget. Popular topics incude:
Mindfulness as Self-Care
Mindfulness and Pain Recovery
Mindfulness and Addiction Recovery (including Pain Recovery)
Mindfulness for Teachers
The talks range in length from 1 to 3 hours.
Contact Dr. Pamm today to discuss fees and schedules. She looks forward to working with your group!
Applause for Dr. Pamm
“Lakeview Health is a nationally recognized addiction treatment facility in Jacksonville, Florida. We work to address dual diagnosis and addiction disorders for individuals 18 and over. Lakeview Health has been conducting a rebranding campaign for over a year and was fortunate to introduce Dr. Pamm Cappetta to the South Carolina addiction treatment market as a sponsor for Lakeview Health. Her presentation on Mindfulness and Chronic Pain was incredibly well received. It allowed Lakeview to showcase its commitment to working with subject matter experts in the field of addiction treatment. We intend to collaborate with Dr. Cappetta on future networking and conferences to showcase the need for best practices in addressing chronic pain without the need for narcotics and other substances that could compromise one’s recovery.”