Upcoming Events
Join us at one of our upcoming special events! Full details available on the calendar.
Mindfulness Group
Tuesdays, 5:30 PM-7:00 PM
Open to both men & women. The beginning group is eight sessions. Currently there is an on-going group for experienced mindfulness practitioners. For more information or to register, please call 757-253-5708
Mindfulness CDs
Many clients find it helpful to have additional resources for healing available to them between therapy sessions. I have a lending library of books and I’ve also created two CDs to help you on your journey. More resources are listed below to help on your journey to wellness.
Being With Yourself
As a beginning meditator 25 years ago, I just couldn’t sit still or find just the right way to meditate. The silence on the meditation CDs made me anxious, so I began to use the mindfulness focus to just allow the mind and the body to follow its own rhythm. As a perfectionist, I felt that I would never learn how to meditate properly. The mindfulness practice allows for acceptance and kindness toward self, and I loved that notion! This CD teaches about mindfulness and will help you be aware of your thoughts “without judgment” and will bring a sense of peace that you cannot do mindfulness wrong. I love this practice and encourage you to use this CD daily for at least 30 days to get the best overall results. Learning to take time for yourself and learning to acknowledge your life as it is in this moment is a great way to appreciate the joys and pains of life itself. (20 minutes)
Mindfulness Meditations: Waking Up to Your Life
This CD is for people with busy minds. Track 1 introduces the concept of mindfulness. Track 2 helps to slow down the mind and refocus…this is not about emptying the mind, but watching the mind and the body in a non-judging manner. Track 3 on loving kindness teaches how to focus on loving thoughts toward ourselves and others in our communities. Track 4 is especially important for folks who have physical and emotional pain. It helps to identify emotions, sensations in the body, and thoughts in the mind…to identify what is from a place of gentle compassion. (37 minutes)
The Center for Healthy Minds: The University of Wisconsin’s research center’s free resources including an app, HM, for guided meditations.
Duke Integrative Medicine: Focuses on the effects of cutting edge medical research and the power of your knowledge, your choices, your spirit to transform your health and healing.
EMDR Institute: Training center for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing methodology.
Health Journeys: Guided imagery CDs and tapes.
Northrup, Dr. Christiane: A leading proponent of medicine and healing that acknowledges the unity of the mind and body.
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Expanding Your RA World: Everyone on this site has RA or works in the RA world. They'll share their expert advice with you through articles, tools, and videos.
Williamsburg Community Chapel: An interdenominational family of faith called to make disciples.
Williamsburg Massage Therapy - Essential Massage: Katrina Woodfin, massage therapist, graduated from Virginia Massage Academy in 2002, is also certified in reflexology. Katrina has been a gift to me, especially in my recovery from a stroke and brain surgery!