10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently

Are you intuitive? Do you want to rely more on your natural intuition but don’t know how? I recommend Carolyn Gregoire’s recent article,10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently.”

As Gregoire notes, intuition is hard to define, but we know when we have a “gut feeling” that moves us to do something—often without any logical explanation. As one expert explains,

I define intuition as the subtle knowing without ever having any idea why you know it … It's different from thinking, it's different from logic or analysis ... It's a knowing without knowing.[1]

One thing that people in touch with their intuition do is listen to the inner voice that tells them what they know at a deep level. If we lack awareness, or are out of touch with our inner life because of hectic schedules or competing demands for our attention, or because we lack a self-care practice, chances are we’ll miss hearing the inner voice that reveals our deepest knowing.

Part of my self-care routine is Mindfulness Practice and I’ve shared many of its benefits in previous posts. Another bonus is the way it helps me recognize and benefit from my intuition.

If you’re new to the concept of mindfulness and intuition, this may be sounding a little “hocus-pocus-ie” to you. Rest assured that cognitive science is beginning to demystify the role of unconscious reasoning in our lives. I encourage you to read Gregoire’s entire article, but if you’re eager to make time for your own mindful practice instead of reading, here’s the list of 10 things intuitive people do:

1.   They listen to that inner voice.

2.   They take time for solitude.

3.   They create.

4.   They practice mindfulness.

5.   They observe everything.

6.   They listen to their bodies.

7.   They connect deeply with others.

8.   They pay attention to their dreams.

9.   They enjoy plenty of down time.

10. They mindfully let go of negative emotions.

If you’re intrigued by this topic, but need help getting started, I’d love to help you develop your own mindfulness practice. Give me a call!


Dr. Pamm

 [1] Burnahm, Sophy, cited in Carolyn Gregoire, “10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently,” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/19/the-habits-of-highly-intu_n_4958778.html?utm_hp_ref=tw.


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