A Mindful Stand Against Racism

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Dear Friends,

These are challenging times. For those of us who practice mindfulness, we might easily become complacent about racism, believing in our hearts that we intend no harm to anyone. If we love ourselves, live intentionally, and seek joy in every moment, then surely that is enough? Won't our practice enable us to effortlessly love our neighbors as ourselves?

I wish that were true, but given the depth of pain being expressed by so many people of color today, on top of the documented, systemic racism our nation has tolerated for hundreds of years, I believe we are called to take our journeys of self-examination even deeper. This is the season to plumb the depths of our hidden biases, unconscious attitudes, and unrecognized assumptions. In this way I believe we will expand beyond the limits of our own mindfulness and join the collective of cultural transformers who will facilitate our communal healing.

Please join me as I examine my mindfulness practice for ways to be part of this transformation.

Here are some resources for us to begin:

Mindfully yours,

Dr. Pamm


Mindfulness in Cardiology


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