Mindfulness Day March 2020
With Pamela Cappetta, Ed. D., Mindfulness Teacher
Join us for a 4 - hour experience of Mindfulness.
This can be a refresher course or an introductory session to Mindfulness, which will include guided mindfulness meditations, educational information and mindful listening. Please arrive early to find your seat and settle in.
You may bring beverages into the group room. Please do not wear any perfumes or fragrances (lotions, hair products, etc.) due to the sensitivity of some of the group members.
When: Saturday, March 21, 2019
Registration: 9:15 AM Class: 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Where: 491 McLaws Circle Suite 3A , Williamsburg, VA 3185
Cost: $50 - $100 (you decide) check or cash or PayPal
What to bring: journal, snack
What to wear: comfortable clothing, comfortable shoes
For more information or to register please call 757 - 253 - 5708 or email admin@drpamm.vacoxmail.com
Please send payment to secure your space. Limited to 10 participants.