Mindfulness Workshop for Counselors & Health Care Providers

At the College of William and Mary on January 25, 2014, Dr. Pamela Cappetta will teach health care professionals how to practice mindfulness.  Dr. Pamm explains, "as professional helpers we often practice great care for others, but forget the importance of healthy self-care. This workshop will introduce you to mindfulness and will provide you with an opportunity to put into practice the basics of paying attention on purpose in the present moment—non-judgmentally."When: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Saturday, January 25, 2014Where: College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VACost: $50 per participantRegister: email Amy Williams aewilliams@email.wm.eduMindfulness Workshop Flyer 2014MindfulnessFlyer2.peg


New Location as of Jan. 2, 2014


Dr. Pamm's Stress Management Tactics Referenced